Fear vs. Love

Everyone has their own fear – fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear for the future, fear to love and even fear of losing someone close to our heart. Thou many of us gets “afraid” of something, “fear” is totally different. It can drive you crazy. I know it because I have been there too. I struggled and still struggling with a lot of fears that gives me a lot of “what ifs” — “what if I fail again?”, “what if I’m not good enough”, “what if God can’t come through me anymore?” “what if I die?”.

I’m writing this to you to tell you that you are not alone in this battle and to remind you as well that beyond all that is happening in our lives, God’s love is simply… enough. 


Fear vs. Love: 

Fear and Love might be two of the most powerful human emotions that we have. Fear roots anger, anxiety, depression and insecurity. Have you ever felt like being stuck in nowhere? Having hard time to see the purpose of whatever you’re doing right now? Have you ever felt like you’re past is still hunting you down, that you feel so alone and just want to give up? Unfortunately that’s the trick of having fear, the more you entertain it, the more it will eat you up. Yes, fear is powerful, BUT it has never been and will never be powerful enough in comparison with the love of God for us. Love on the other hand, roots hope, trust and total surrender to God. It gives you inner peace and harmony. In God’s love you are assured and secured. Remember how many times The Lord has been faithful in our lives? His love is abundant! He provided and will always provide. Thou a lot of things happen beyond our control, all we need to do is to learn to let go and let God take in control.


Sources of Fear and Love:

As I mentioned earlier, we might have different kinds of Fear, meaning, we have different sources of Fear. These sources can paralyze us. It weakens our body and soul. It slowly kills our hopes, dreams and insert negative emotions. While Love, on the other hand, it has only One Source, yet it surpasses every source of fear, doubt, anxiety and insecurity that we have. It strengthens our faith, clarifies our desires, redirects our path and refreshes us — and that is Jesus Christ. He is our one true Love and our ultimate source of Love. It is through His perfect love that can set us free from all the chains of Fear. Just like what is stated in

1 John 4:18 “Perfect Love Drives Out Fear”

because falling in love is only for the brave ones. In Christ’s love, there is no room for fear. Let His perfect love drive away all our insecurities, conquered our fears and lead us to trust Him whole heartedly. Escaping is not the answer, it’s running back towards God — our ultimate Source

Now let’s ask ourselves, Are you ready to fall in love once again to our One True Love? The decision is yours! ❤️



1. Begin and end your day with God through your common prayer time and reading your Bible. This is filling your heart, mind and soul with the Lord.
2. Read one book in the Bible every month.
3. Study and research about the biographies and autobiographies of saints. Be inspired of their lives.
4. Don’t miss the Holy Mass every Sunday and if possible do it every day. Visit the Adoration Chapel every week. Have a good confession every month if possible more often.
5. Always bring with you a pocket size notebook. Take time to reflect for 15-60 mins about your life, spiritual life, work, physical health. Write it down. Don’t miss anything!
6. Have a weekly dates with your family and friends. Surround yourself with good and inspiring people. Be an active builder of strong relationships.
7. Use your talents for God by serving our Church and your community.
8. Find your spiritual adviser/mentors in the most important areas of your life.
9. Use your time wisely. Cut TV watching by finding your hobby that can help you to develop your gifts/talents (Music, arts, computer programming, dancing, photography, writing. etc.)
10. Read a book of Pope Francis and the Catholic faith. Read 20-60 mins every day. If an average reader, reads 20 mins daily. It will equivalent to 20 books of 200 pages at the end of the year.
11. Take 7-8 hours of sleep.
12. Give your 10% income to God every month.
13. Save and invest 10-20% of your income every month.
14. Drink 8-10 glasses of water. Eat fruit and vegetables every day.
15. Listen more this year.  Attend a seminar or a conference that can help you grow personally and spiritually.
16. Walk 30-60 mins a day.
17. Be kind and compassionate in serving others. Just be sensible to the people around you.
18. Be grateful of what you have to God. Strive to be become a better person each day.
19. Give more of what is expected of you. It is in giving that we receive.
20. Celebrate and enjoy your life.There is no place for sin and lies in you. Keep from speaking evil and from telling lies. This is how we enjoy life if we want long life and happiness. Speak of what is true, beautiful and good. You only live once. Do the right thing.
21. Relax before you take action. Do something of what is written here.

Study it, practice it and teach it.
Live passionately the good life and be not afraid. You are destined for greatness. It is all about Him.
Do it for the greater glory of God and you will never be the same again.